4 offbeat ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year 2019

Look back on all the Valentine’s Day you have celebrated with your partner all these years. The underlying theme was the romance and togetherness you had for each other. That made the usual colors pink or red, and the day was usually full of cakes and flowers and chocolates.

While that is all very good, but when you have celebrated that kind of V-Day so many times already, you should now be thinking of celebrating this special day in a special way. Enough of candles and roses, it’s time for a new kind of Valentine’s Day for your loved one and you. Let us give you a few ideas which will allow you to celebrate the day in each other’s company, but with a different flavor.

  1. Find out the address of an old age home nearest to your house and reach there on the morning of V-Day with a load of chocolates and cakes. Share them with the inmates there, and shower your love on them. The blessings you and your partner will receive will easily last you through the year and more. The smiles on the faces of the inmates will stay with you a lifetime, though.


2.Celebrate the day as grunge day! Take leave from your respective offices and wake up as late as you possibly can. Order all your meals in, starting with a late breakfast. Spend the whole day in your home clothes watching old movies or the latest television series on your TV. If you have got through all that you want to watch, then play some favorite music. Loafing around with nothing to do feels great any day, but on this special day it will feel doubly special!


3.Go on a vacation. But make it different from the usual vacation which has misty hills and pristine beaches. Charter a yacht, for example, and sail around in it for a couple of days. There are some good companies which offer such services, like Champions Yacht Club. They also provide other types of vessels for hire, like speedboats, motor yachts, power boats, inflatable boats etc.


4.We know how busy you are throughout the year. Make this day special for each other by drawing up a list of 5 relatives (including parents) of both partners and calling them up together. In case you are celebrating Valentine’s Day in Goa with a partner who is not yet a spouse, then you can make those calls to your respective friends. This will help immensely in your mutual bonding.



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